Prime Minister Modi’s mother to celebrate 100th birthday on June 18


Heeraben Modi, mother of Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be celebrating her 100th birthday at her Gandhinagar residence on June 18. The PM will visit her to join the celebrations.

Special arrangements are being made for the occasion. Domes with German technology have been raised at the venue. The roads are being carpeted and lighting and parking facilities are nearing completion. Medical teams will be deployed at the venue in case of any emergencies.
A puja will be held at Vadnagar’s Hatkeshwar temple on the occasion. The Prime Minister will address around 4 lakh people including beneficiaries of various government schemes during his Vadodara visit. Preparations for the Prime Minister’s visit are going on full swing.
Earlier, he visited Gujarat on June 10 to inaugurate 7 projects in the tribal region of Navsari and he laid the foundation stores for over 14 projects to improve water supply in the region.



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