Prince William and family to shift to new cottage


Prince William, the second in line to the British throne will turn 40 years next week. He will be moving with his family into a new cottage that is close by to where his Queen grandmother lives.
The family will be shifting in the coming weeks. All their 3 children- Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis will be beginning their new school terms from September. They will not have any live-in staff at their new four bedroom Adelaide Cottage home and it is walking distance from the Queen’s residence in the castle.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge decided to make this shift for one more reason-so that they can be closer to Kate’s family in Bucklebury. It is said that they will pay rent on the Crown Estate private property.
Prince William and his family can now get to spend more time with his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II who has been undergoing age related mobility issues.



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