US President Joe Biden makes unannounced visit to Ukraine


US President Joe Biden made an unannounced visit to Kyiv, Ukraine and assured President Volodymyr Zelensky of support from Washington ahead of the war’s one year anniversary. This visit comes a day before Russian President Vladimir Putin was due to make a major address to set out Russia’s aims for the second year of the war against Ukraine.

It has been reported that sirens blared across the Ukrainian capital even though there were no missiles or air strikes from Russia. It was almost a year ago that Putin invaded Ukraine. Biden praised Ukrainians for their bravery in resisting Russia’s invasion.
Biden promised $500 million worth of weaponry including artillery ammunition, anti-armour systems, air defence radars and higher sanctions on Russia. Zelensky on his part thanked Biden and said that his visit showed an important sign of support for Ukrainians.



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