Pixi Skintreat’s Vitamin C Beauty Regime


With exposure to this scorching summer sun, our skin is sure to damage itself, if not taken care of. Hence Pixi offers two kinds of products that are infused with Vitamin C for that extra mile towards skin nourishment. Vitamin C when rightly absorbed by the skin eliminates the damage caused by UV rays and also raises the collagen level which works well in tightening up your skin layer thereby giving it a radiant glow.

Pixi Skintreats Vitamin C Sheet Mask

A sheet mask, fully soaked with concentrated serum, vitamin C being the main component in it, is all set to get absorbed in your skin pores. The components in this sheet mask awaken and illuminates your skin thereby fighting antioxidants at the very moment giving instant gloomy skin.

Pixi Skintreats BeautifEYE Patches

Spring as a season is beautiful but it comes with a price. The warm weather tends to harm one’s skin, especially under-eyes, being the most sensitive part of a face. Here’s our very own energizing hydrogen patches for your under-eye skin BeautifyEYE, pumped with Vitamin C, Ginseng and Licorice to awaken, revitalize and even out your skin tone.



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