EAT (EATALLTIME) India’s first on-demand home food delivery app organized a meet and greet event on Sunday at Bungalow 12, Adayar. It was a chance for all the food lovers to meet Chennai’s favorite foodies, home chefs and a mouth-watering presentation of a home-cooked meal with recipes from Grandma’s Kitchen to self-taught home Chefs and homemakers with a flair for simple delicious home-cooked meals.
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The event featured more than 20 regional dishes straight from the homes around them. The homemakers cook for the users as they cook for their family. EAT started with the idea of extending the love a mother has for her sons and daughters, right out to the world, which is today connected by technology at every nook and corner. The meet and greet was a big hit as many flocked to the venue to taste the sumptuous dishes ever.