Bollywood actor Vikramjeet Virk talks, who plays an antogonist in the upcoming film ‘Rudhramadevi’ says, “The character that I portray in the epic movie is of – Mahadeva Nayakudu. He was the main antagonist in that era against Rudhramadevi. The director of the film – Mr. Gunasekhar, offered me the role of Mahadeva Nayakudu after watching me playing the role of ‘Mehmood Ghaznavi’ in a Zee TV show. My previous experience of playing a historical character of Mehmood Ghazni helped me in preparing and getting into the mind set of playing Mahadeva. Mahadeva Nayakudu, who rules over the ‘kingdom of Devagiri’, was very aggressive by nature since his childhood. His dislike and anger based on an incident that happened during his childhood made him more unforgiving and ruthless as he grew up. His sole purpose in life was to fight and win over Rudhramadevi’s kingdom.” In terms of role preparation, Vikramjeet had to work a lot, “I had to gain almost 10 – 12 kgs for the role. Since the weapon that I used in the film weighed about 10 -12 kgs, I had to do lot of training for my action sequences with the weapon.”