Trinamool Congress sweeps Bengal rural polls


Trinamool Congress in Bengal headed by Chief Minister  Mamata Banerjee, has swept the West Bengal panchayat elections. They won 2,552 out of 3,317 gram panchayats, 232 panchayats and 12 out of 20 zilla parishads.

The BJP came second and won only 212 gram panchayats and 7 panchayat samitis. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, thanked the people of the state for their love, affection and support towards the TMC.
Though the polls were marred by violence, the results are clear. Around 40 people lost their lives due to violence in the polling booths. Repolling was conducted in 696 booths after allegations of electoral fraud, electoral irregularities and voter suppression were reported during the polling.
Some explosives were detonated near a counting centre by the police and they had to use batons to disperse a crowd in Howrah. According to the TMC, 60 percent of the people killed in poll violence were their workers and supporters.


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