– Organising Chariman , Dr. A. NAVALADI SHANKAR,
– Organising committee: Dr. Arun Kumar ramanathan , Dr.Sai suku Kora
The focus of this congress held on Dec 9th@ vivanta Connemara, Chennai is on the integration of the science and cutting edge technology and break through innovation in the clinical practice and delivering quality care to the patients which was organised by chairman, Dr. A. NAVALADI SHANKAR, Senior consultant orthopaedic Surgeon,Apollo Hospital, Chennai and organising committee members Dr. Arun Kumar ramanathan , Dr.Sai suku Kora and they discussed on Awareness of foot and ankle injuries among Indian population is very limited. It is not uncommon to see patients coming with deformed feet. Often patients tend to neglect the initial injury and continue with their activities only to present when they face problems in mobilising or with their routine activities. With an increase in the professional and recreational sporting activities, sports related injuries have increased in the public. These injuries also involve foot and ankle regions and are a common cause of keeping the sportsmen and women sidelined from sporting activities.on the Despite limitations, the foot and ankle scenario is set to look forward with the ever greater interest shown by the orthopaedic surgeons in learning the tricks of the trade, as in evident by the large gathering seen in dedicated sessions on foot and ankle in national and international conference.
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The Apollo institute of orthopaedics stands for a legacy of clinical excellence that goes back for over 3 decades. Pioneers in the field, Apollo hospitals have been responsible for some of the most game changing innovations in orthopaedic care in India.
India is a unique country not only for the fact it is one of the most populous countries of the world but also one with a varied population with different habits, cultural beliefs, and practices. These beliefs and practices are reflected in the day-to-day lives of Indians and result in their own set of problems. The beliefs and practices are also seen in relation to injuries and other health care problems. Injuries and many other health problems are not often thought of as important and are frequently neglected. These injuries are of almost all the body parts , but the foot and ankle present a unique problem in itself as their injuries are commonly neglected.
Barefoot walking is also a feature probably unique in India and surrounding nations. This may be a result of economic constraints, as a large population of India still lives in deplorable socioeconomic conditions. Barefoot walking is seen not only among rural population but also in semi urban and urban population. In many people, especially the old ones, this is a part of the way of life which they have been part of for a long time, this may lead to injuries of foot and ankle due to lack of protection afforded by foot wear.
The Apollo hospitals, Chennai and Arthrex brings through presentations, debates and interactive case based panel discussions, the meeting faculty- leaders and innovators in foot and ankle surgery- will share their insights on contemporary issues on recent advances and innovations in foot and ankle surgery