This is a unique car rally in that it brings together the visually impaired and the sighted and is truly one of the most inclusive sporting events for the differently-abled in the city. The rally is not merely a fun event; there is an objective to it.
The first such rally was held in Bombay. Chennai followed suit in 1989, with the early rallies being sponsored by Ceat Limited. The event was organized by the National Association for the Blind and the Madras Motor Sports Club. Later the sponsorship of the rally was taken over by UCAL Fuel Systems Ltd. Since 2009, O2 Health Studio, A unit of Savera Industries Limited has been sponsoring this event.
The navigator and the driver are mutually dependent thus creating a beautiful synthesis of two minds. The navigator has to read out the instructions which are in Braille for the driver to follow the rally route. Each team member contributes according to his or her abilities. With the navigator and the driver having a common goal, their interaction for over two days during the dummy rally and the actual event gives rise to a camaraderie which often develops into a strong friendship. The rally helps the persons with visual impairment to build contacts and foster bonds. It also gives an opportunity for the sighted person to get to know a person with visual impairment. The Annual Car Rally for the Blind seeks to make the visually impaired feel needed, not merely people with needs.
Eager participants such as her need not wait any longer! The Annual Car Rally for the Blind 2016 is to be flagged off @ 9:00 am on Sunday, the 27th March at Hotel Savera. For registrations Contact: Ganapathy – 9710947376.