Negative emotions impact on trust


It is a common belief that negative emotions are inversely proportional to the way on how we treat others, however recent studies have revealed that it also has the power to make you more distrustful. According to a recent study, negative emotions reduce how much we trust others, even if these emotions were triggered by events.  Negative emotions reduce our ability to trust people that have nothing to do with the decision to trust.

More than misunderstanding or politics our day to day events may also cause negative emotions such as traffic jams or a bad day at work. These types of emotions are “incidental” because they are triggered by events that are not related to our social interactions. It has been shown that incidental emotions frequently occur in our day-to-day interactions with others.

As part of the study, a team of researchers investigated whether the incidental aversive effect can influence trust behavior and the brain networks relevant for supporting social cognition. There were further activities which gave a conclusion that people have negative emotions have a direct impact on trust issues with others



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