Feminist or not, you will love Culture Machine’s new video ‘Girls Be Like’
~ A hilariously new take on ‘Pseudo Feminism’, the video is released on Culture Machine’s channel ‘Blush’~
Feminism can very well be termed as the ‘word of the year’ with celebrities, actresses and business leaders propagating it as the need of the hour. However, everyone seems to have a different take on what is essentially so simple – equality of the sexes. In a refreshing, light hearted take on feminism’s pseudo supporters titled ‘Girls Be Like’, Culture Machine’s Blush channel explores various crazy pseudo feminists we come across every day.
A take on those who hide behind ‘complex’ theories, those who see accuse everyone and every act as sexist, the ‘haters’ who criticize every feminist and finally the ‘internet feminists’ who promote equality through online satire but don’t care for it in real life. Not only do these feminists make some of the most ridiculous statements but also the most common! Check out for yourself!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPGap4Ey3fk]