Meet And Greet By EAT


India’s first on-demand home food delivery app EAT organizes a meet and greet event with your favorite foodies and home chefs. Here’s a chance to meet Chennai’s favorite foodies, home chefs and a mouth-watering presentation of a home-cooked meal with recipes from Grandma’s Kitchen to self-taught home Chefs and homemakers with a flair for simple delicious home-cooked meals.

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EATALLTIME is a web/mobile-based application which is a dynamic home food delivery marketplace where users can order and get delivered the right food at affordable prices right to their doorstep. At the back end, the food is directly cooked by authentic EAT homemakers. EAT works towards making every single one of the entrepreneurs.

Try over 20 regional dishes made with love by EAT Homemakers

When: Sunday, 29th September 2019

Where: Bungalow 12, Adayar



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