Dwayne Johnson asks Paris Museum to update his wax statue


A wax statue of former wrestler and American actor Dwayne Johnson known as ”The Rock” was recently unveiled at the Grevin Museum in Paris, France, The actor is not too impressed with the wax replica and has asked the museum to make improvements on the statue, especially his skin colour.

Many people found the statue to be too light skinned and was unlike the actor. The Museum has agreed to do the modifications and send pictures to Dwayne Johnson once it is done. They are waiting for him to visit Paris and the Grevin Wax Museum and celebrate with a cup of champagne.
Sculptor Stephane Barret was excited to work on the statue of Dwayne Johnson and managed to get the build and height right but could not get his skin tone and his expression right as the sample photo chosen had an expression that was difficult to achieve.


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