The conversation of inequality within the household, particularly when it comes to housework and chores is one of growing social importance for women across the country and indeed the world. In India alone, more than 80% of women believe that – men feel household chores are ONLY a woman’s job**! Ariel India was proud to join the conversation on – Is Laundry Only A Woman’s Job? back in January 2015.
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As the social debate continues to evolve, a new study by an independent third party reveals that 2 out of every 3 children believe that household chores are a mother’s job*, with the stereotype of gender roles being passed down from one generation to the next. With more than 70% of men believing that laundry and housework are their wife’s job*, the message of gender equality within the household takes even greater importance today. With the objective of supporting women in their debate, and bringing to surface this important social cause, Ariel India joins women across the country and indeed the globe in asking Dads to #ShareTheLoad on this International Women’s Day.