Home People Woman gets compensation of 28 lakhs

Woman gets compensation of 28 lakhs

A 34 year old woman who lost a limb in an accident in 2015 was awarded compensation of Rs 28 lakhs by the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal in Mumbai. It included a sum of Rs 2 lakhs towards compensation for loss of future marriage prospects. The Tribunal held that nowadays it is difficult even for a normal person to find a good match and it would be almost impossible for a person who had lost a leg to get married.
The total amount of Rs 28 lakhs was calculated to include loss of income due to disability, cost of special diet, conveyance and attendant charges, cost of an artificial limb and other medical expenses. The accident had occurred when the claimant and her mother were travelling in an autorickshaw driven by her father and a speeding SUV rammed into them. The driver of the SUV was held for rash and negligent driving. Her 54 year old mother was  awarded compensation of Rs 16 lakhs for the serious injuries sustained by her and her father was awarded Rs 60,000/ The  compensation amount was to be paid  jointly by the Insurance Company and the vehicle owner.



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