Oil Massage : The Best Options


A warm oil massage removes toxins from the body and strengthens immunity. Opt for olive oil or sesame oil to nourish skin, say experts. These are the best options to experience the best oil massages and the options one must consider for oil massage

  • Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage:  In this traditional Indian technique, your body is massaged with herbal oil. This helps reduce your body fatigue and knots in the muscles.

  • Warm oil massages: This type of massages are best suited for the winter where it helps one to boost the immune system.

  • Ayurvedic Poultice massage: This is based on the principles of therapeutic application of warmth. The healer massages your body with linen potali, stuffed with essential herbs and therapeutic oils.

  • A hot stone massage:  This is a natural therapy to help you ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissues. During this therapy, smooth and flat stone is heated and placed on certain parts of your body to amplify the therapeutic benefits along with essential oils.

  • Ayurvedic Shirodhara massage: This massage is an ancient ayurvedic technique of pouring oils or liquids over the forehead in a continuous and consistent flow. The warm and herb-induced liquids or oil is poured on the forehead. This is a chakra point just above and between the eyebrows.



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