Home People Diabetes in women

Diabetes in women


November 14th is marked as World Diabetes Day in order to increase awareness of the disease. The IDF -International Diabetes Federation has been set up to take necessary steps to tackle diabetes. The theme for World Diabetes Day 2017 is Diabetes and Women. The lack of education has resulted in many not being aware of the onset of the disease. A recent study by the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) found that diabetes is becoming common among people belonging to lower strata of society.

It was also found that Diabetes is the ninth leading cause of death in women globally. If women are educated about the impact of diabetes, it will go a long way as they can do their bit for their families. The right diet,exercise and weight management need to be monitored and regular tests and follow-up with the doctor will keep the disease under check. A cause for worry with respect to women who have type one diabetes is that it has increased risk of early miscarriage or having a baby with malformations. Therefore women with diabetes should have access to necessary medicine, technology and screening facilities.



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