An afternoon of Tea Tasting with Typhoo’s Master Tea Blender


Ever wondered how some people get the perfect blend and brews of different flavours; Black tea; jasmine tea; masala chai; organic tea, orange tea or blackcurrant tea? The humble tea has transformed itself from an everyday drink to a gourmet beverage. This beverage can get as diverse as you want it to be. Every region has its own style of tea and varied tea drinking and making ways.

Razi Khan hosted a tea appreciation and tasting session over a high-tea session at The Park, Bengaluru. He brought about the quintessential British tradition of ‘Afternoon Tea’ and laid out variety of teas for different occasions of the day, beyond the traditional Indian Chai and took the tea lovers through an interesting session on how long to brew each of the different flavours and the best way to enjoy them. Typhoo, UK’s third largest tea brand owned by the ApeejaySurrendra group known for its gourmet and wide variety of revitalising brews, invited their Master Blender Razi Khan to host an engaging and refreshing afternoon tea tasting session. The session offered tasting Typhoo’s finest tea and herbal infusions as well as discovering the nuances of British style tea drinking etiquettes.

Typhoo has introduced over 25 flavours to the country with some of the most exotic variants which are unique to the taste of Indian consumers (Green Tea Lemongrass, Green Tea Tulsi, Green Tea Coconut, Green Tea Masala, Tea DECAF, Fruit Infusions to name a few), apart from the traditional varieties of Classic Assam, Darjeeling, Pure Green teas and bevy of flavored teas. The brand can boast of an impressive portfolio in 5 categories of Tea – Speciality Black; Flavoured; GreenTeas; Fruit Infusions and Organic Herbal range spread over 26 variants and 73 pack sizes.

Razi started the afternoon with the first flavor of the session, ever loved- “Green Tea Tulsi”- selective combination of delicate green tea leaves with goodness of basil which supports well-being; moving on the session got the guests to taste  something regular with a twist- ‘Classic Assam’ in revolutionary Pyramid Bags- a deep amber-coloured treasure with rich malty undertones which perfectly refreshes and revitalizes mind and body; the third flavour of the afternoon was Typhoo’s innovative ‘Triple Mint”, which again was infused in The Pyramid Bag-  known for the goodness of its strong mint flavour leaving the sense refreshed. Next in line was Typhoo’s very much loved- “Organic Herbal Infusion – Chamomile”, all natural tea infused with richness of Chamomile flower, a light preferred drink after meals. The session ended on a light and fruity note with a warm cup of ‘Orange Spicer Fruit Infusion’, a natural and caffeine free fruit beverage with unique sensorial taste of delicious fruit flavors. This is the first time Typhoo revealed some the upcoming variants of Typhoo’s pyramid teabag range in the city, which are soon to be launched in the market. The unique pyramid bags lend the original aroma and flavour some experience to the tea cup.

Subrata Mukerji, Business head of Typhoo Tea India present at the session commented, “For over 110 years, since its inception in UK, Typhoo has indulged tea connoisseurs the world over with exotic healthy beverages beyond tea and revived tea drinking experience. We are delighted to host a unique tea tasting session that showcases various types of teas and infusions that can be enjoyed across the day, emphasising the importance of tea in our daily lives while we continue to enjoy our traditional chai.” Razi Khan said, “As a tea taster and tea blender, nothing gives more joy than to share a British style afternoon tea session, it’s amazing that Typhoo came up with this initiative and I hope we can take such afternoons all over the country. Typhoo has one of the most diverse portfolios and we are confident that through such sessions, we can transform the Indian palette for teas and also share what Typhoo has to offer”.



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