Happy Diwali by Artflute


Artflute’s Diwali Celebration Bundle is contemporary, unique and is just for you. The bundle, a beautiful mini art print and 3 lovely diyas in a stunning box is the perfect gift for your valued clients, business associates, friends and family.


Meaningful and memorable because nothing is as special as art is, the Diwali Celebration bundle is a gift that just keeps on giving. Furthermore, the mini art prints feature works of independent artists and the diyas come from Diya Foundation, a vocational training center and sheltered workshop for the differently enabled. Your gift of art will not just be supporting art and creativity but also be championing a cause that matters.

Help your friend, family member or business associate make a statement with a piece of art while also lighting the spark for a lifelong love for art. An opportunity to make a statement with your gift and break the pattern of clichéd Diwali gifting, art will be a gift that lasts a lifetime. Much more memorable than gifting a box of sweets, don’t you think?

Another great offering is our extensive collection of mini art prints- Miniature Desktop Art that comes packaged in an exclusive box, with a gorgeous wooden easel. Starting at ₹ 800, you can choose from a range of artworks by some of the most talented artists of our time. Not just that, each reproduction is a museum quality giclée print on high quality canvas while also being affordable and elegant. You are sure to be spoiled for choice when it comes to picking one.

Whether in appreciation for the years of business, as giveaways at Diwali parties or as gifts for friends, family or work colleagues, or even as a treat for yourself, gifting Desktop Art is a great way to brighten Diwali for the people who matter to you.

To order online, please visit www.artflute.com/gifting-art or call us on +91-8088-313131 | Starting Price: Rs. 800/-




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